sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012

Boom is coming again: who's planning?

Este ano o Boom Festival vai voltar. Quem vai?
É inevitável, o calor regressa e eu começo a pensar nos festivais, em pleno Alentejo!
Simplesmente adoro o Alentejo e as suas gentes e paisagens. É sinal de férias!
Aqui ficam algumas imagens do Boom porque hoje me apeteceu recordar :)
( Secretamente, já comecei a pensar no que levar ao próximo festival! )


This year's Boom Festival will return. Who will? Inevitably, the heat returns and I start thinking about the festivals in the Alentejo! I just love the Alentejo and its people and landscapes. A sign on holiday! Here are some pictures because today I felt like Boom remember :) (Secretly, I've started thinking about what lead to the next festival!)

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco

all rights reserved by Paula Franco