segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

beach waves DIY

Do you want that beach look, just after you swim at the sea and stand at the sun, enjoying the sand and the summer air?

Well, you can get it with different products to give that look to your hair, or, you can do it yourself!

You just need to follow the recipe bellow and have fun with your hair, try it!

Don't forget to wear scarves this season, it will look great and fresh.

Have fun, dear followers and have a shanti day!

Lots of luv,


you can follow the daily updates of #TWS at

sábado, 22 de março de 2014

Ready for Sandals Season

They are back to our feet.

Isn't it so good? Yes, it is. It's time to improve your feet nail polish with color and cool effects. 

Here goes some good examples of flat sandals that will add life to any look of ours, daytime or night time.

Get your ideas, start to search for your favorite pair for this season or get your old ones and change it in something new, be creative because fashion must be like that, innovation and originality.

Remember, stay always in a shanti mood and look up to the stars and let the sun shine,

Lots of luv,


terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

surrender to braids

This season the hair must be or short or long to wear it on a Braid!

Yes, that is a must have for the spring/summer days & nights and all occasions. 

I'm surrender to it and started all ready to wear it.

What about you?

The braid doesn't need to be the classical one, you can add some imagination to it and create your own way to wear your braid.

That's a strong advice from the #TWSteam!

Keep the fun style, dear follower!

Lots of luv,


sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2014

the hats issue #summertips

The sunny days finally arrived and we going straight ahead to summer time.

So the #TWS starts giving to you summer tips for you to enjoy spring and summer in your best!

Today we give you a very good one: wear and wear the hats. 

They just give that boho-freedom touch to your look. 

At the beach, at traveling, or shopping, or hanging out with friends, on every street from the city to a village, the hat will improve your look in a good and stylish way.

Try it!

Stay focused on summer!

Lots of luv,


domingo, 9 de março de 2014

O Mundo Sem Nós

#savingtheplanet #theworldwithoutpeople #TWS

"Há uma geração, os humanos evitaram a destruição nuclear; com sorte, continuaremos a iludir esses e outros terrores em massa. Mas, hoje, damos muitas vezes por nós a perguntar-nos se teremos inadvertidamente envenado ou aquecido demais o planeta, connosco incluídos. Também usámos e abusámos da água e do solo a ponto de já haver pouco de cada, e dizimámos dezenas de espécies que, provavelmente, nunca mais voltarão a existir. O nosso mundo, como alertam várias e respeitadas vozes, poderá um dia degenerar em algo parecido como um terreno vazio, onde corvos e ratazanas correm por entre as ervas, caçando-se uns aos outros. Se isso acontecer, a que ponto correram tão mal as coisas para que, com toda a nossa celebrada inteligência superior, não estejamos entre os sobreviventes?

A verdade é que não sabemos. Qualquer conjetura é perturbada pela nossa obstinada relutância em aceitar que o pior possa realmente acontecer.

Podemos estar minados pelos nossos instintos de sobrevivência, moldados ao longo de milénios para nos fazerem negar, desafiar ou ignorar as catástrofes sob pena de ficarmos paralisados de medo.

Será muito mau que esses instintos nos levem a esperar  até que seja demasiado tarde. Será bom, se eles fortificarem a nossa resistência face às catástrofes iminentes.Por mais de uma vez a esperança louca e teimosa inspirou ações criativas que resgataram as pessoas da ruína. 

Assim, deixem-nos tentar uma experiência criativa."

Alan Weisman, in O Mundo sem Nós 

terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014


#TWS #bohochic #inspiration

My favourite season is the one with the sun and warm weather.


Because I believe people are more happy and that happiness brings more freedom on the way they dress and lead us too to wear much more accessories.

Don't you agree?

TWS is preparing itself to a big leap on it short life, a new image, created to it. 

The bohemian spirit always was and is our brand, is the way we see life and live it.

I have to say thanks to all the people that supports us and give us the good vibes even when the sun doesn't shine and the rain is in. I feel blessed to have all you, dear followers and friends.

I'm waiting for the sunny days and warm weather, and because of that, I leave you here a selection of great inspirations pic to all of you.

Hope you like it and feel inspired in your days & nights.

Stay in touch with #TWS event, you can join it at New Image for The World Shape .

Thanks so much for your kindness to the TWS.

Stay in touch!

Lots of luv,
