segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2016

My Favorite Poem || The Revenant

The Revenant is the most beautiful poem I ever felt. 

Through those 156 minutes I saw, I lived, I was embraced by a lifetime film experience. 

I read the book by Michael Punke some months before and even when I was reading it, I was deeply touched by the extraordinary story of Hugh Glass and those men. 

When I finished reading, I was sure that only brilliant actors as Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy could perform Glass and Fitzgerald. 

I was anxious to see the film. But after, when I saw the film on theatre, I was out of my mind. 

It went beyond my expectations. 

I wasn't ready for such beauty and powerful images, sounds, costumes, music and above all, performances. 

I can't describe what I felt watching the film but in the end, as I was leaving the theatre, I felt I left my heart in those landscapes. 

So, thank you Mr. Alejandro G. Inarritu for your vision, thank you Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio for touching my heart and thank you Mr. Tom Hardy for, once again, you transcend yourself. But also to Will Poulter, to Domhnall Gleeson, to all the cast and with a special and deep thank you to all actors that performed the indigenous people and showed us one more time the deep wisdom and beautiful way of living and facing life. 

The Revenant took my heart. 

Time will pass by but it will remain forever as my favorite poem because it was made by visionary poets.

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016

we want to change the World || People's Tribe

People's Tribe is all about the women who dream big and follow their heart living never ending adventures. We bring you the inspiration you need through beautiful fashion, art, travel, design, ideas and concepts because we want to change the World by turning it in a positive Tribe. 

With us you can find the right motivation to sparkle and enlighten the World, to live your days and nights with style and quality. Follow your path with us by your side, by being energized with unique collections and trends. 

Here you can find handmade jewellery special created for the Tribe and unique fashion influenced by the most original trends and movements in street style in order for you to be forever wild and free. You can travel through our Tribe to know better what’s the World is doing that can inspire you. 

Be the dream, aim to the stars. We are here to inspire you.

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2016

The First Woman to Vote in Portugal

Carolina Beatriz Ângelo (Guarda, 16 de Abril de 1878 — Lisboa, 3 de outubro de 1911) foi uma médica e feminista portuguesa. Foi a primeira mulher a votar no país, por ocasião das eleições da Assembleia Constituinte, em 1911.

Frequentou até ao Liceu em sua terra natal, Guarda. Posteriormente ingressou nas Escolas Politécnica e Médico-Cirúrgica em Lisboa, onde concluiu o curso de Medicina em 1902.

Sufragista, destacou-se como militante da Liga Republicana das Mulheres, fundadora e presidente da Associação de Propaganda Feminista.

O fato de ser viúva e ter de sustentar os seus filhos, permitiu-lhe invocar em tribunal o direito de ser considerada "chefe de família", tornando-se assim a primeira a votar no país, nas eleições constituintes, a 28 de maio de 1911. Por forma a evitar que tal exemplo pudesse ser repetido, a lei foi alterada no ano seguinte, com a especificação de que apenas os chefes de família do sexo masculino poderiam votar.

Cirurgiã e activista dos direitos femininos, Carolina Beatriz Ângelo foi a primeira mulher a votar em Portugal.

As mulheres portuguesas teriam de esperar por Salazar e pelo ano de 1931 para lhes ser concedido o direito de voto e, ainda assim, com restrições: apenas podiam votar as que tivessem cursos secundários ou superiores, enquanto para os homens continuava a bastar saber ler e escrever.

A lei eleitoral de Maio de 1946 alargou o direito de voto aos homens que, sendo analfabetos, pagassem ao Estado pelo menos 100 escudos de impostos e às mulheres chefes de família e às casadas que, sabendo ler e escrever, tivessem bens próprios e pagassem pelo menos 200 escudos de contribuição predial.

Em Dezembro de 1968 foi reconhecido o direito de voto político às mulheres, mas as Juntas de Freguesia continuaram a ser eleitas apenas pelos chefes de família. Só em 1974, já depois do 25 de Abril, seriam abolidas todas as restrições à capacidade eleitoral dos cidadãos tendo por base o género.


Carolina Beatriz Ângelo (Guarda, April 16, 1878 - Lisbon, October 3, 1911) was a doctor and Portuguese feminist. She was the first woman to vote in the country on the occasion of the Constituent Assembly elections in 1911.

She attended the high school in his native city, Guarda. Later she joined the Polytechnic School and Medical-Surgical in Lisbon, where she graduated in medicine in 1902.

Suffragette, stood out as a militant of the Republican Women's League, founder and president of the Feminist Propaganda Association.

Being a widow and having to support their children, allowed her to plead in court the right to be considered "householder", thus becoming the first to vote in the country in constituent elections on 28 May 1911. In order to prevent such example could be repeated, the law was changed the following year, specifying that only the male householders could vote.

Surgeon and activist for women's rights, Carolina Beatriz Ângelo was the first woman to vote in Portugal.

Portuguese women would have to wait for Salazar and by the year 1931 to be awarded the right to vote and yet, with restrictions: only could vote those who had secondary courses or higher, while for men it was still enough to read and write.

The electoral law of May 1946 extended the right to vote to men who, being illiterate, paid to the State at least 100 tax coins and family of the chief women and married that knowing how to read and write, had its own assets and paid by least 200 tax coins of property tax .

In December 1968 it was granted the right to political vote to women, but the parish councils continued to be elected only by householders. Only in 1974, already after the April 25, would be abolished all restrictions on the electoral capacity of citizens based on gender.

source: Wikipedia

Carolina Beatriz Ângelo (à direita), a primeira eleitora portuguesa, acompanhada por Ana de Castro Osório (à esquerda), presidente da Liga das Sufragistas Portuguesas.
Carolina Beatriz Ângelo (right), the first Portuguese voter, accompanied by Ana de Castro Osório (left), president of the League of Portuguese Suffragettes.