sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017



do we come from another life?

are we walking into a future together?

is this our time together?


we could be happy
in this crazy life
we can't
we are dead & buried
the emotions.


a road trip of my own
through the unveilled
paths of my mind
to find myself my way


wake up from Dreamland.

try to figure it out in which reality you are now.

open your eyes wide open,

get up.

it's time to conquer the world.

Paula Cristina Franco

all rights reserved by the author 

segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2017

for Kurt

hoje faria 50 anos se fosse vivo. Kurt Cobain será sempre para mim uma mente brilhante que não pertencia a este mundo. estava destinado a ascender às estrelas muito cedo e a aí viver. estávamos destinados a viver através do seu legado e a recordá-lo nas suas palavras, músicas, mensagens que nos tentou transmitir. não soubemos perceber isso quando estava entre nós. a falta que fazes é inquantificável. hoje, mais do que nunca, precisamos da tua irreverencia e inconformismo perante uma sociedade que parece esquecer homens e mulheres que outrora lutaram pela liberdade de pensamento, de expressão, de respeito e tolerância por todas as pessoas, crenças, culturas, etnias, escolhas perante a vida. 
onde quer que estejas, continua a inspirar-nos. 
nós iremos recordar-te e viver-te para sempre.

with so much love and gratitude for you and for everything you inspired me, 

Paula Cristina Franco 


Today would be 50 if he were alive. Kurt Cobain will always be to me a brilliant mind that did not belong to this world. Was destined to ascend to the stars very early and live there. We were destined to live through his legacy and to remember him in his words, songs, messages that he tried to share with us. We did not know to understand him in the proper way when he was between us, we didn’t knew how to connect with him. The lack you make us is unquantifiable. Today, more than ever, we need your irreverence and nonconformity facing a society that seems to forget men and women who once fought for freedom of thought, expression, respect and tolerance for all people, beliefs, cultures, ethnicities, life’s choices.
Wherever you are, continues to inspire us.
We will remember you and live your legacy forever.

with so much love and gratitude for you and for everything you inspired me, 

Paula Cristina Franco 

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2017

soul hibernation

thunders woke me before spring arrived,
a suddenly sadness took a distant heart,
time wasn't time through months of hopelessly wandering.

sabes quem és depois da longa escuridão?
acorda, lembra-te, recorda aquilo que eras.

the unknow ahead us is calling for the uncertainty
of a disturbed mind trapped inside a sinuous soul 
we woke up before spring arrived.

levanta o véu da tua alma e lança-te na certeza do desconhecido.
não irás ser mais o mesmo, os pesadelos transformaram-te.

I woke up before the storm faded, spring wasn't here, my soul wasn't here,
lost in a desperate world, without shelter, alone before the shadows,
Iam a free soul realesed from hibernation.

caminhas pelas sombras do mundo, escondendo a tua mente,
protegendo a tua alma, procurando a imortalidade de uma vida.

life isn't life. 
tu és tu, enigma revelado fora do tempo.

Paula Cristina Franco
poet | restless mind

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2017


Do you know
What to do in the end?

Breath out, breath in,
You were alive,
Building an empire,
You're dead,
Living in the kingdom of heaven

Search for yourself,
Up there, find your soul, 
Search for the eternity,
Set yourself free.

Forever isn't done.
Not yet.

Paula Cristina Franco