Superman is my number one heroe and I think in the entire World too.
He's the protector, the guardian of Planet Earth. But, he's also a simply man always defending those who most need and Lois Lane, he's love!
Yes, he has one love since ever, an intelligent, confident and sucessful girlfriend, the reporter Lois Lane from the newspaper The Daily Planet.
There's no way of not loving Superman because he may have all the powers but he has a great heart and he's humble.
He promotes peace and not conflit. Superman was created by writerJerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster and first appeared in Action Comics #1 (cover-dated June 1938) and subsequently appeared in various radio serials, newspaper strips, television programs, films, and video games. Ray Middleton in 1939 was the first public appearance of Superman and he is first actor who had the privileged to portray Superman in public during 1939 World’s Fair.
After we had Christopher Reeve, I really thought that noone could ever play Superman again so well, but in 2013 I had a great surprise, Henry Cavill was playing the superheroe in the his return in the movie Man Of Steel, a film directed by Zack Snyder after the idea have being presented by Christopher Nolan, producer of the movie.
And I loved it.
A new view of Superman that I really liked.
A new suit that I just loved and for sure a more human Superman.
Well done Henry Cavill and Zack Snyder! Many thanks to Christopher Nolan for the concept of the film. So, there is no doubt that my favorite Superman is Henry Cavill, he and Reeve played perfectly our man of steel.
I hope that more movies on solo of Superman with Henry Cavill and with the cast of Man of Steel will come and that means more adventures ! Until that, here goes some previous image of our heroe and for sure, Henry Cavill!
Ray Middleton 1939 |
George Reeves 1951 |
Christopher Reeve 1978 |
Brandon Routh 2006 |
Henry Cavill 2013 |
Henry Cavill 2013 |
Henry Cavill 2013 |